In 100 minutes I’m giving a talk at WebVisions 2005 titled “Designing for the Sandbox.” If you’d like to follow along remotely, I’ve uploaded my slides. (2.5 MB PDF) The slides have notes and everything, so it shouldn’t be just an incomprehensible set of images.
If you read my control essay, and my posts on “Designing for the Sandbox” and “Create Value while Relinquishing Control”, you know the basic gist.
The link to your slides is throwing a file not found error (at least for me)…
Whoops. Fixed. Thanks for catching that. I shouldn’t post at 6:45 in the morning.
Hi Peter, thanks for sharing this great piece of information with us! I will definitively share the information about the stuff you’re doing!
I fear we folks here in Germany (and by saying this mean the average business unit manager) are still far behind in terms of appreciating the solutiones which are emerging these days from your side of the ocean.
Keep Sharing! Ralf.