in Groupon

New York Designers–Interested in working with me at Groupon?

In two weeks, on November 8 and 9, we at Groupon will be visiting New York to talk to people interested in working with us in design, product management, and engineering positions in our Chicago, Palo Alto, San Francisco, and Seattle offices. As I’ve explained earlier, there are lots of tasty design challenges we’re tackling, online and offline, for merchants as well as buyers. I also think this could be a remarkable career move for the right candidate — an ability to lead teams and elevate your practice within a passionate internal design community.

If joining a burgeoning world-class design team compels you, please let us know by submitting through our listings for product designers and visual designers, or emailing me directly at [peterme] AT [groupon] DOT [com].

(And I promise this is my last post soliciting designers for a while. I know I need to get back to addressing design ideas! And the NBA! And Top Chef, when it returns.)