MX San Francisco – Early price ends Sunday

Our MX San Francisco conference (April 20-22) is shaping up to be the best one yet. The conference page doesn’t have the latest-latest, but the program at this point is (with additional speakers to be identified):

“Process Reboot” led by Kim Lenox.

Day One
[+] Keynote: Chip Heath, co-author of “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” and Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University
[+] Cordell Ratzlaff, Cisco’s new Director of User Experience
[+] Secil Watson, Senior Vice President Internet Channel Strategy, Wells Fargo
[+] Peter Coughlan, lead of IDEO’s Transformation Practice

Day Two
[+] Keynote: Chip Conley, Founder and CEO, Joie de Vivre Hospitality operating California’s largest chain of boutique hotel experiences
[+] Stephen Anderson, Artist and Illustrator who has been an official Star Wars artist
[+] Rachel Hinman, Design Strategist and mobile experience expert, Adaptive Path
[+] Ryan Armbruster, Chief Experience Officer for a radiation oncology practice
[+] Ryan Freitas, Experience Design Director, Adaptive Path
[+] Matt Jones, Founder, Dopplr
[+] Scott Hirsch, Founder, Management Innovation Group

The early price of $1295 ends February 3. The conference’s full price is $1595. Sign up with the promotional code FOPM (Friend of Peter Merholz) and get 15% off. I hope to see you there!