Don Norman Conversation and Adaptive Path’s 2008 Events

I had the distinct fortune and pleasure to spend an hour chatting with Don Norman, which you can listen to (mp3). Don has come up a lot in the posts on, going all the way back to my first months of writing, in 1998, when I asked, “Whither ‘User Experience’?” (this comes up in my talk with Don). As such, I’m thrilled that he’s joining us for Adaptive Path’s UX Week 2008 conference, where I’ll get a chance to talk to him more on stage.

Speaking of our events, we’re holding an end-of-the-year sale. Next year, we’ve got three events coming to San Francisco, and all three feature special pricing through December 31st.

There’s our tried-and-true UX Intensive, February 19-22, four days of hands-on activities on the core subjects of user experience.

That’s followed by the return of MX San Francisco (April 21-22), our conference devoted to managing experience and what it takes to get great design out into the world. Though the site doesn’t yet say it, we’ve already lined up Peter Coughlan from IDEO, and we’ve got discussions going on with some great folks.

And next up we’ll have the aforementioned UX Week. The program is still firming up, but we’ve already got Don Norman, Scott Griffith (CEO of Zipcar), Adaptive Path alums Jeffrey Veen and Mike Kuniavsky, and a host of Adaptive Path staff members already lined up. This will easily be our biggest and best event yet.