Panorama of San Francisco, 1971

If you have any interest in the evolution of “Baghdad-by-the-Bay” (funny how no one calls it that any more), view this panorama photograph of San Francisco, taken from atop the second Bay Bridge tower in 1971.

You can learn more about the photo here.

Things that interested me:

  • those giant oil drum things out in Potrero
  • the beginning of the TransAmerica Pyramid (right “above” the Ferry Building clock tower)
  • the hideousness that is the Embarcadero Freeway
  • no Sutro Tower (it went up the following year)
  • the Coca-Cola sign (still there!) peeking through the other tower
  • the Union 76 clock tower (which became the Bank of America clock tower, which has since been torn down)
  • how North Beach and all still pretty much looks the same


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