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Bloglines still not picking up Sandbox RSS feed

Even though the feed for Sandbox is current:

When you subscribe to it via Bloglines, it doesn’t update. I have no idea why.

A different feed does seem to be working in Bloglines:

Which is fine, I guess, but I was hoping to route everything through feedburner.

Ah, fucking modern technology.

  1. Hello, Joe Kottke from FeedBurner here. We’ve been chasing this issue for some time with Bloglines. Every once in a while they stop polling us for certain feeds. Usually a quick email to Bloglines support will resolve this issue. Feel free to email us at feedback at feedburner dot com if you continue to experience problems.


  2. Seems to happen for a few feeds. Of course, you never notice it, as the items just never appear. Very annoying.

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