You don’t have our excuse…

When Stacy and I planned our Chile and Peru trips, we figured we’d end with a couple days in Lima before returning to the States. We’d heard great things about Lima food, and we found a charming-looking “hostal” in Miraflores, reputed to be the most comfortable neighborhood.

We told many people we were going to Chile and Peru. Not one of them told us the one thing I am going to tell you:

Don’t go to Lima.

Really. Don’t bother. There is pretty much no reason to visit here. And many many reasons not to. Stacy and I have disliked it almost from the moment we touched down. We’ve had some perfectly fine experiences, but none worth traveling for. We should have stayed longer in Cusco, which was great (and which I’ll write about later).

But Lima, as a traveler’s city, is pathetic. Forget about it. Make sure the only time you spend here is at the airport, transferring to a plane to Cusco or some other point of genuine interest.

There. Now you have no excuse.