Teaching in Chicago, May 17-18

I’ve been remiss in letting folks know that I’m teaching a new Adaptive Path workshop in Chicago on May 17-18. I’ve been spending a lot of time developing “Beyond Usability 2.0: The Four Cornerstones of Successful Digital Product Design” (that’s a mouthful), with the goal to create an event that teaches the essential methods that every member of a product team should know (not just the designers).

Attendees will learn methods and principles for getting Company Insight, conducting User Research, designing Information Architecture, and developing Interaction Design. While the last two might seem like the purview of the design team, I believe that everyone should understand the basics of these methods, and the reality is that many non-designers have to practice information architecture and interaction design because no one else in their organization is stepping up to do so.

If you use the promotional code FOPM, you’ll receive 15% off the price.

I mean, look at all the bullet points we promise you on that workshop page!

You will learn how to:

  • Get the most out of your stakeholder discussions
  • Tie user experience design to concrete business value
  • Prioritize project goals to achieve design focus
  • Craft a great site intercept survey
  • Recruit appropriate users for your interviews
  • Conduct great interviews
  • Analyze interview responses for maximum insight
  • Analyze your existing information architecture
  • Identify metadata that powers your experience
  • Design new architectures according to user needs
  • Classify and categorize your material for ease of findability
  • Apply terms and labels that resonate with your audience
  • Craft personas and scenarios that work
  • Design user workflows that accommodate high degrees of interactivity
  • Draw wireframes that communicate to all parts of the organization
  • Critique interfaces to ensure usability
  • Use prototypes to test ideas at various stages of readiness

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