iPhone Game: Trism

A recent article on CNN about the sales success of the iPhone game Trism spurred me to write about how addicted I am to that game. Shortly after the App Store launched, I looked for something fun to play. I originally thought I’d go with the classic Bejeweled, but reading the reviews, everyone loved Trism. What convinced me to buy it is that it was a puzzle game that incorporated the accelerometer, so it became kind of multidimensional. The mechanic is not only clever — it enhances game play. Playing Trism has pretty much taken over my commute — in the carpool or on BART, I’m tilting my iPhone wildly to rack up the longest chains. If you’re looking for an iPhone game and dig Tetris and Bejeweled, Trism is definitely worth a shot.

4 thoughts on “iPhone Game: Trism

  1. Ahh, good to hear from a fellow fan. I’ve got a game going that’s hit 26 million points and I’m addicted as well.

  2. Just finished watching your brief UX Intensive presentation in Saskatoon and decided to hit up your blog. Re: Trism, I totally agree. It was the first game type app I bought when I got my iPhone and it’s been the one I’ve spent the most time on since (although the free version of Lux comes close latey).

    Saw your tweet about Koi Pond as well and that you are a new parent (we just had our 2nd 5 weeks ago). Was wondering why you put {heart} Koi Pond? I saw it at the top of the app store list and got it right away as well (for 99cents, hard to beat) but it’s the 1 application my nearly 2 year old son wants to see all the time now. He comes into the room in the morning and pulls my iPhone out of my bedside table and says “fees, fees daddy!” (fees = fish in near 2 year old).

    Anyways, they are both great apps, and thanks for your presentation in Toon Town! I’ll make sure to try and get out to the rest of your UX Intensive presentation 🙂

  3. My Tweet about Koi Pond is in reference to how it currently has a Christmas theme (red nosed fish, candy canes for food).

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