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(Re-)Introducing Ryan Freitas

Long ago, at a Fray Day event, I met Ryan Freitas. I don’t remember what we talked about; I do remember his URL at the time — A name like that sticks.

Anyway, we drifted in and out of touch until late in 2004, when Adaptive Path brought him in to help out on some projects. We worked so well together, he decided to join the company, and for the last year or so has been a remarkable contributor to Adaptive Path’s development.

The one thing everyone at Adaptive Path has been hounding him about is to get himself out there more. He regales us with trenchant insights on our internal mailing lists and company discussions, but he hasn’t been sharing that wisdom with members of our wider community.

Thankfully, Ryan is now contributing to that as well. He’s just published his first essay for Adaptive Path, on his experiences designing the new blog search engine Sphere.

More importantly, though, he has a blog. He’s actually been posting to it for a little while. I call your attention to two posts: “Civility Doesn’t Scale,” where he calls into questions some of the design principles behind Wikipedia, and “making the future tangible,” which is related to my post on artifacts from the future.

Ryan, it’s great to see your voice out there, engaged in The Discourse. Now, keep at it!

(And, yes, I recognize the phrase “see your voice” is odd.)